Lycée Français de Madrid

The EUROMAD season has officially started!

Modélisation du Conseil de l’Union Européenne du 19 au 22 mars 2025

The EUROMAD season has officially started!

Heated debates got under way and alliances were quickly being formed as delegates from across the European Union gathered in the Spanish capital for a 5th year of Euromad.

Ministers from the council of energy and ecological transition engaged in intense negotiations over possible solutions to provide the EU with a sustainable, independent energy supply. 

Since the debates started this morning, delegates have presented multiple articles each treating a different topic, whether budgets, nuclear energy, or specific timelines for drastic change, with many amendments put in place.

While it’s only the first day, alliances are already being created while others are being broken.  We can already see this year’s protagonists with Germany and Austria moving quickly to seek out allies. Croatia has not gone unnoticed either, also forming a strong alliance with Germany.

Of course, it has not all been work, in fact, a gossip box was passed around for participants to put in everything from dares to rumours, gossip and petitions. So, with a mix of flirting, karaoke, push-ups and even a slow dance, we have all shared some laughs and are very much looking forward to another day at EuroMad 2023.

Anna Hales et Sara Aller